IT System Creation or Upgrade
Design of IT-infrastructure is required when creating the company’s IT-system for reducing expenditures for equipment and maintenance of IT-infrastructure.
Modernization of the company’s existing IT-infrastructure allows to eliminate failures and deadlocks of IT-system, optimize the performance of both existing and new IT-resources, increase the personnel speed of work, as well as to scale IT-system according to company needs.

Reduced costs for IT System maintenance
As the company grows and IT-System operating time increases in duration, the system maintenance costs also increase due to additional maintenance of obsolete equipment, IT-System failures, low staff productivity (because of unreliable equipment), etc.
The analysis and design of IT-System will help to reduce expenditures for it by identifying the problems and finding ways to solve them.

Data security and integrity
Information security provides data protection against theft or alteration. Damage to IT-System and data security can be caused by both unauthorized access or equipment breakdown.
To ensure the information security of the company it is necessary to analyze and design IT-System which includes identifying the vulnerabilities of IT-System and finding a comprehensive solution for the system protection (reservation system, user rights, firewall, etc.)
Eliminating IT System’s weaknesses
IT-System’s weaknesses include processes that limit overall system performance and negatively affect data processing speed and response time.
Those weaknesses are revealed in the process of analysis, and when designing IT-System, the ways of their elimination are developed.

Automation of business processes
Business processes automation is a transfer of routine simple tasks to automation services. Thanks to automation, you can automatically receive information about orders, issue invoices, send goods and much more without human assistance.
IT-System analysis identifies the company’s processes that can be automated and offers appropriate methods for that.

Improving employee productivity
Digital technologies are aimed at accelerating and optimizing business processes, which significantly reduces the time required to perform the day-to-day functions of staff, resulting in increased productivity.
IT-System analysis allows to identify the processes that slow down the work of employees, so when IT-System is being designed, the ways to optimize such processes are developed.

Well-designed storage, backup, protection, shared access and data management systems ensure uninterrupted operation of IT-System.
IT System construction according to the project provides the possibility of its rapid expansion, if needed, with no downtime and extra cost.

Modern technologies
Project ordering from specialists allows to build IT-System using modern software solutions and ensure its high performance.
Low cost
Construction of IT system designed allows not to spend resources on expensive and unnecessary hardware and software products.

Experienced specialists
Our group has developed a number of complex IT-projects, the results of which are used in Russia and abroad since 2006
IT System design “on a turn-key basis”
Our team performs a full cycle of IT system design process - from identifying the company’s needs to the project approval.

Technical support
Within the framework of cooperation, we carry out servers administration and data backup, provide network security, etc.
Trusted partner
The reputation and advanced technologies are the priorities of our group. All agreements are really observed and contacts are open with a responsible attitude to the work.

Design and audit of IT-System includes:
 Audit of existing information infrastructure
 Analysis of the Company
 The Company’s IT System Design
$15 for each IT System node